Contact the HOA

Gerry Mannel, President 
​(Gerry should be contacted by any realtor, title company or community member who requires info during a home sale.) or 410-569-9851

Fran Mergler, Vice-President

Susan Mannel, Secretary

Laurie Mergler, Treasurer  

Gerry Mannel, Chairperson Design Review Board
(Gerry should be reached for any DRB questions and he prefers a phone call (410-569-9851) to an e-mail in regard to Design Review problems)

Mike Dean, Member At Large and Chairperson Welcome and Bereavement Committee

Laurie Mergler, Member At Large and Chairperson Social Committee

Gerry Mannel, Publisher Newsletter

Herb Freiberger, Editor Newsletter

H.O.A. Board Minutes
H.O.A. Board
Contact Us